Matuga, our village with an estimated 3000 inhabitants is a typical Kenyan coastal village. The entire village population has about 4 wells and a small river that does NOT offer water all year round, and in addition the water is of poor quality. In the whole village you will not find a single well with good quality drinking water ! The water supply of the government, which frequently fails and is only available from time to time at certain taps in the are, was built about 50 years ago and is not only extremely unreliable (usually there is no water for several weeks !) but also of poor quality, often even contaminated, during tests we found E-coli bacteria in frighteningly high numbers. Accordingly, gastrointestinal diseases, infections and serious illnesses up to typhoid fever are nothing unusual.
As the government fails to provide drinking water for their citizens we have decided to help these afflicted people from our community with high quality drinking water. This includes the distribution of high quality drinking water from our own well which is approx. 130m deep.